Artificially Natural

By Cliff Walsh

If you look at the packaging of any processed food item, you will likely notice a slew of advertising claims like low sodium or cage free. It is also likely you've seen the all natural claim. Maybe you've even purchased a product labeled all natural because you thought it was healthy for you. It turns out the all natural claim means nothing.

Many products will carry the natural or all natural slogan on its packaging. Who wouldn't want a natural product? Studies have shown that the majority of people think these claims are similar to organic foods and some actually believe it to be better than organic. Unfortunately, they are mistaken. Organic food certification is a stringent process that entails inspections, supplier checks, and paperwork trails while food manufacturers can use the natural or all natural claim at their own choosing. There is no oversight and no standard definition.

The FDA is in charge of oversight of the use of marketing slogans on food packaging, certainly a difficult task. Unfortunately, despite significant use of the natural or all natural label claims, the group has not defined these terms to standardize their use. The FDA has said it has no problem with these claims if the food products refrain from using food coloring, artificial flavors, or any synthetic additive.

That sounds like a reasonable definition, even though it is not official. The problem is that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), GMOs, partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats), and other concerning ingredients are often used in so called natural products. Without a legitimate characterization or government verification, companies can use the natural and all natural claims for whatever they want.

The FDA's lack of clarity on this issue has given companies free reign to use these claims as they see fit, something that has proven to be a significant problem. I've run out of fingers counting the number of scandals the food industry has been apart of. The FDA's ambivalence on the natural and all natural claims is frustrating and needs to change. Oversight of these claims is necessary.

Despite the government's lack of action on these label claims, consumer groups are taking action, which is refreshing to see. Tired of being lied to and exposed to dangerous ingredients, consumers are holding food manufacturers' feet to the fire. Food manufacturers and retailers have had to defend themselves against a host of significant lawsuits, and have lost quite a few. This is a trend that I expect to persist.

While I recommend eating whole foods, should you desire a processed food, I suggest putting little faith in marketing claims and to read the ingredients list in its entirety. The shorter the list, the better. Also, be sure to investigate or avoid chemicals you aren't familiar with. While we need to hold food companies accountable, we also need to be responsible in watching what we allow in our food. The FDA isn't doing its job, so we must do it for them.

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