The Sleeve Gastrectomy Bergen County New Jersy Might Be Your Best Option

By Barbara Reynolds

If you have a weight issue you just can't seem to resolve with diet and exercise, perhaps it's time to think seriously about bariatric surgery. This weight reduction technique actually involves a number of different procedures designed to help overweight people. Here are a few of them. Sleeve Gastrectomy Bergen County New Jersy is a technique designed to remove a small portion of the stomach.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a procedure that has been in use for many years and is quite popular. The May Clinic alone performs 500 gastric bypass surgeries in a typical year. The majority of their patients who have this procedure maintain their weight loss for the long term.

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is another commonly chosen bypass revision technique. This is also most often performed laparoscopically and the recovery time is approximately 2 weeks. This is considered to be one of the most effective techniques of gastric bypass revision.

Gastric banding is the least invasive of bariatric surgery procedures and is also reversible. It involves stomach restriction using a silicone band. The band is adjustable, allowing the stomach capacity to be altered as required, by the use of saline. This treatment means that the patient feels fuller much more quickly after eating and can only tolerate small sized meals.

Living with stubborn weight issues can have many negative ramifications. Poor self-esteem, fatigue and a multitude of health concerns always seem to top the list. Obesity can be draining emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. But many people find, after bariatric surgery, their lives seem to be just beginning.

People on a strict diet are only allowed to eat certain foods in specific intervals. Failure to comply with a particular diet design can either totally jeopardize the diet's effectiveness or delay the results. Exercise on the other hand requires time and of course, lots of energy. It must be done with consistency and dedication. Now combine the two aforementioned weight loss methods and it'll be nothing less than torture.

It will take perseverance to overcome bad eating habits and lifestyle attitudes that formally would have aided you in gaining weight. But, with time, this can be accomplished. It's perfectly doable to create a new life outlook. A great way to help you do this is to find a good friend with a big shoulder or even consider therapy. Talking out one's feelings instead of stuffing them down inside you is a great release.

Gastric Bypass- Through four different mechanisms including Restriction, Malabsorption, Dumping Syndrome, and Hormonal Changes, weight loss after a gastric bypass is achieved. Restriction is the term used for the size reduction of the stomach pouch. Through such process, a person feels satisfied after eating even just a small serving of food, hence the tendency to overeat is eliminated.

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