Knowing How To Do A Back Massage Raleigh

By Anita Ortega

Whenever people would stress out their body because of work or just moving around too much, the body part that will be most affected would actually be the back which would contain the spine. Now if a person moves around a lot like rushing to work or is simply stressed out all the time, the muscles in his back will really take it bad. Now probably one of the best ways to treat a really bad back is to have a good back massage Raleigh.

Of course when massaging this area, the first thing to think about would be the position of the masseur or masseuse and the one being massaged. Now the one being massaged should lay on his front with his arms and legs down. The masseur or masseuse will have to acquire a kneeling position beside the receiver.

The very first place to start would be at the lower part of the neck. Now in order to do this, one has to press down on the lower neck area and also the area located right above the buttocks which is the tail of the spine. Now he just has to push it down gently and rub it a little bit just right before the real session would start.

Now after doing that, he should now start by putting a little bit of oil on his stands but must make sure not to spill the oil on the body of the receiver. Now in order to start, he has to apply pressure on the area near the gut which is right above the buttocks. Now move the hands in a circle while applying some pressure on this part.

Now slowly go to the area where the rib cage is located however, do not massage the rib cage. The place to handle would be the part of the back that is surrounding the spinal cord in that area. It is better to use just the two thumbs to rub that area otherwise one might accidentally hit the rib cage.

Once that part is done, it is now time to hit the upper back which is the rather harder part to handle. Now for this part, one would have to use his thumbs all the time because he has to precisely hit certain points in the body. He has to make sure to apply the right amount of pressure which is not too weak nor too strong.

After he is done with that, then he should now go to the shoulder area and stay a little long there. He must remember that it is the shoulder area that carries all of the stress. It is for this very reason that he has to know which parts to aim for so that he can loosen up all the tight muscles that are there.

Now the last part to concentrate on would be the neck. Now this is also the part where the receiver relaxes the most as massaging this part is the most relaxing of all the parts here. Once one is done massaging the neck, he should then rub the entire back for a little while and finish up.

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